Tag Archives: other guys

MOVIE REVIEW: The Other Guys

Alright, I have two more reviews to put out there. This is the All-Star comedy entitled The Other Guys. The cast is all knowing and all powerful (not really but still). The Other Guys is quite simply a hilarious romp of a movie. Every bit of it has great potential to be one of the funniest movies of the summer…scratch that it was (weak summer eh?).

The Other Guys follows two cops (Will Ferrell and Mark Whalberg) as they try to solve a mystery. There really isn’t much to the plot here. Two All-Star Cops (Dewyane Johnson, Samuel L. Jackson) are killed on duty (a scene of which is pretty damn funny). Wahlberg is insistent upon Ferrell that they take up the job that the two All-Stars left behind. As Ferrell and Wahlberg discover the depths of the corruption and evil stuff the more bad things happen to them.

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